CARL – The Competency Assessment for Responsible Leadership

The CARL online test was a very useful exercise and great addition to my teaching. In terms of specific competencies, in my class “ethics and values” stood out in particular: some students said the module really made them question not just what their companies were doing but also their own behaviours. A great reflection triggered by the test – thank you!

Frederik Dahlmann, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Strategy & Sustainability, Warwick Business School

Achieving the SDGs set out by the United Nations will require new skills and mindsets in current and future employees. CARL is an important tool that will improve leadership skills and help create sustainability champions in organisations worldwide.

Jonas Haertle

Principles for Responsible Management Education

Being able to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes which drive responsible leadership impact is a critical part of developing a next generation of globally responsible leaders, and CARL makes that possible

John North

Executive Director, Global Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI)

Listen to Prof Arnold Smit explain how CARL is used at the University of Stellenbosh.
(podcast – 3mins)

Prof Arnold Smit

Professor, University of Stellenbosch Business School

Watch Katrin Muff Ph.D outlining the benefits, value and applications of measuring Responsible Leadership Competencies with CARL.
(mini lecture – 8mins)

Dr Katrin Muff

Founder and Director, The Insitute for Business Sustainability

CARL is a multi stakeholder initiative endorsed by: